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Military horseback riding, an age-old tool meeting the modern requirements of the army's projection cyclePublished on 23/05/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Capitaine Kevin PAUCHARD

The author of this article gives us a vibrant plea for military equitation. For him, it participates in the cycle of unit projection by providing a versatile tool that meets the requirements of a modern army. It also supports operational preparation, but also individual and collective reconstruction. Finally, it is a major player in the condition of personnel and the development of the armed nation bond.

"This difficulty in seeing right..." from Tora to Gao.Published on 22/05/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Chef d’escadrons GAY

Added value of counter-insurgency Human Research Detachments (REHUM)

Based on Anglo-Saxon references, the specialists do not hesitate to say: "In France, we do not have the culture of Rens! And yet ... Surobi has enabled the insurgents to steal nearly five tonnes of explosives (477 rocket and shell-type munitions) from the Tizin valley - the largest recovery of munitions since France's commitment in Afghanistan.

Before depyramidizing, let's reverse the pyramid! Subsidiarity's apology Published on 21/05/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Chef de bataillon Bertrand EPSTEIN

This remarkable praise of subsidiarity earned its author the "Maréchal Leclerc de Hauteclocque" prize in 2014.

Are we prepared to fight the enemy head on?Published on 21/05/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Chef de bataillon Marc-Antoine BRILLANT

Fighting is no ordinary human activity. For the soldier engaged in modern conflicts in the face of an aggressive and violent enemy who systematically seeks confrontation at close range, the challenge is not only personal. The prospect of a near death can inhibit behaviour. The strength of the collective in the face of adversity is the best asset for dominating and then defeating an enemy who has become fanatical. Land forces must therefore put in place an innovative operational preparation, combining both experience feedback and physical and tactical requirements. Excellence in combat must be cultivated.

"I remember the terrorist who targeted me with his machine gun. In a split second, I knew he was going to shoot me. Then I felt the bullets go through my body. I collapsed to the ground with my rifle down. I realized that the first bullet had hit me in the back, and I thought the next one would be aimed at my head".

Captain Yoni Roth of the 1st IDF Infantry Brigade,

during the battle of Bint Jbeil in Lebanon in July 2006.

From the uniform Published on 18/05/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
Madame le Professeur Françoise THIBAUT

Mrs Françoise Thibaut gives us here her reflections on the uniform, its evolution, its meaning over the ages according to the profession, the corporation, the social class concerned by its wearing. These reflections will take on a particular meaning for the readers of the Cahiers, most of whom come from the military world and are therefore primarily concerned!

Looking for a front!Published on 18/05/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Chef de bataillon Aurélien MOY

Since 1975, the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces (FAR) have been waging a long conflict in the face of the insurgency on the POLISARIO front. The author shows us their original adaptation to this very evolving conflict, thanks to the creation ex nihilo of real successive fronts.

The arms race in Europe from 1880 to 1914: a factor in the outbreak of the Great War?Published on 17/05/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Lieutenant-colonel Olivier LAHAIE

Among the causes of the outbreak of the Great War, the existence of an arms race between the Powers is often mentioned. If, in naval terms, with the German-British rivalry, this term seems well chosen, what about land armaments? Continuing their evocation of the Great War, the Notebooks try to answer this question thanks to Lieutenant-Colonel Lahaie.

Drawing inspiration from management to fully exercise commandPublished on 16/05/2018

Earth Thought Notebooks
le Chef de bataillon Paul LEMAIRE

Command and management are not synonymous. The mastery of managerial sciences allows the officer to dominate the increasing complexity of his environment. But the contribution of skills is reciprocal. They allow recognition of the officer's expertise and his ability to command fully.

Training in management, an imperative for leadershipPublished on 16/05/2018

Earth Thought Notebooks
Chef de bataillon de MONICAULT

Because he is a commander of men and an organisational manager, the military leader must both affirm the specificity of his vocation and convince himself of the usefulness of civilian managerial sciences. This is the condition of his operational effectiveness and his ability to influence the future of the organisations in and with which he serves. Under the combined notions of management and command, the author in fact restores the notion of fullness of command.

Multinational Tactical / Operational Headquarters: Choosing not to suffer any morePublished on 15/05/2018

Cahiers de la pensée mili-Terre
Jérome Taillandier

Comment les armées françaises pourraient-elles tirer pleinement profit des état-majors de coalition pour y exercer leur influence dans les meilleures conditions ?
