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The military partnership operational today

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The French army has a very rich and very long experience in the field of of defense cooperation. If his past colonial past is not unrelated to the acquisition of the namely-do and know-be related to this would be simplistic to make it the sole foundation for theof the successes achieved in this area. Without doubt-he's looking deeper in our collective consciousness this ability to exchange with other cultures, but also and without doubt, in the quality of the training of our frameworks that gives our military tool the robustness which is recognized to him.

The Military Operational Partnership (MOP), term which now designates the very of cooperation with military forces.of partner countries, is today giving rise to a clear revival of interest. This infatuation, quite for the PMO highlights a generalized real French specificity, accentuated by the effort made by the s consent with the creation of the Earth Center for Military Partnership Opera(CPMO).

The PMO, an activity in net development

An initial observation quickly makes it possible to realizewill be that "PMO's offer"is now abondante. Many countries, of all conti-nents, offer their assistance in trainingmilitary service with benefits of a very high nature. nature, ranging from training detachment to the the establishment of experts, through the use of training opportunities in military schools national. This multiplication of offers is not not without consequences for the countries receivers, who have, they often acknowledge, been them-even, difficulty dealing with it. The small size of their armies, a strong operational commitmentand difficult HR management contribute to the success of the company.a pool of people on which to build.then focus all cooperation actions, with as a corollary, superimposition or of the training actions.

This craze for the PMO goes hand in hand with the means that are consented to, and that bear witness to an undeniable will to progress in this area. Countries such as the United Kingdom-United Kingdom or the United States-The United States recently made the choice to create military units dedicated to these missions.specific sions[1]. NATO has just inaugurated a centre of excellence for the PDP[2]Italy has created a PMO centre within its infantry school and Spain is also considering setting up a specific PMO structure .A substantial effort in terms of operational readiness is also being made for the benefit of units arming PMO missions . Forexample, theinstructors of the US Army 'sSecurityForce Assistance Brigade (SFAB)are selected on the basis of psycho-technical tests that are denser than thoseused in the PMO missions.For example, the instructors of the US Army's Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) are selected on the basis of psycho-technical tests that are more dense than those used forSpecial Forces recruitment ,and undergo specific training lasting from six months to one year before beingposted. In another , admittedly less regalian register, the development of training activities carried out by companies in the security and defence field[3 ] (ESSD) also proves this sharedattractionfor the PMO .

This appetite for the PMO also affects the large companies in the security and defence sector. institutions, as shown by the development of the EuropeanEuropean missions of the EUTM type[4]. Most recentlyment, the UN experimented in Mali with the concept of "themobile training team(MTT)». It's a matter of deploying teams of men-to carry out ad hoc auditing and monitoring actions. training for UNMISAM battalions[5] during their mandate. From the armies of volunteer countries wishing to share their expertise, these MTT are sent to bain operational situations, in addition to the training and development ofmore traditionally carried out prior to deployment.

This proliferation around the PMO is no doubt due to a PREVENTION in addition to INTERVENTION is back in favourVENTION, but also corresponds to a willingness to more and more the aid recipient states, to raise them to the level of the-their own security challenges and to make rapid changes in the security their armies, rather"territorial"...towards armies of employment, operationally committed. And this development is changing drasticallythe relationship between the person leading the PMO action and the the one who receives it, a notion that has been partly presided over, for the France, to the adoption of the term "partnership». This interest is also linked to the undeniable advantages offered by Defence cooperation actions. Politically very acHowever, the PMO can be used to achieve operatic level effects.tive or strategic level effects at a generally modest cost, which makes it a very interesting mode of action, subject to the condition that to use it properly. The generalisation of the offer and partnership type actions shows that the "mode of action PMO"is undoubtedly a flexible and effective way to exercise its influence and to manifest some form of exercise power.

Another feature that reinforces the appeal of the do-PMO, he can, without too much constraint, give body to alliances by providing a suitable receptacle for morerinationals. An action of partnership, training in partcan in fact quite easily aggregate several parts of a tree.of allied countries, provided that they are within the framework of allied interests, subject to the shared. Yet security is a common denominator that is now opening up numerous avenues for collaboration, even if there isstill room for improvement in thisarea .

A French specificity

While the PMO echoes many issues, its application to the within the French armies highlights particularities ...that we have of our own.

While the term Anglo-Saxon designating military cooperation-silence is "security force assistance (SFA)", the term supporthas given way in France to that of partnership. This evolutionfar from being anecdotal, emphasizes the notion of equality the relationship between French soldiers and the French army. with their partners, resolutely marking the passage from a logic of "big brotherto "big brother" in arms». Go tothe gaps that are certainly being filled by the acbut who are most often experienced in the field of management.operational. Partners who, in turn, can to pass on much to the French soldier, would not be-what their intrinsic knowledge of the physical and human environment. It is so this two-way exchange that this new terminology and should be kept in mind for sensibito read our men to everything they can, or rather, mustnt learn from the foreign military they work with.

Another atypical feature is Defence cooperation in France is organized around two different channels but complementary, each of which draws on the expertise of the Arand Services to arm PMO detachments. The operational cooperation, which is under the responsibility of MINARM and is implementation by the EMA, and the structural cooperation which depends on the MEAE and is implemented by the security and defence cooperation (DCSD). If anthe principle, in principle, of tasks exists between these two responsible for "theforging the military tool"of the country goes-the other to train this military tool and to act in the the high end of the spectrum to combat support, this idiot is aPMO's tinuum is strongly oriented by the operative commitment of thecommitment to its partners. The corollary is a strong ni-between the two chains, which results in real effectiveness, from the strategic to the tactical level.

These two chains also complement each other in their structuration. Operational cooperation is based to a large extent on on the device in addition to-Sea and Overseas (OME), which gives the personnel stationed there who arm the bulk of the misarmy's PMOs, a valuable knowledge regional (network). Structural cooperation is based on the, on its system of cooperating partners, which is a considerable asset.that many countries envy us. All of which makes it possible to dispoa true continuum of the PMO, acting on the spot. military and diplomatic, which can also facilitate the integration of theother effectors in a comprehensive approach process.

The specific features of the French PMO also include the capacity to develop multilateral cooperation between several partner countries, with France playing a leading role in this area. «go between"between sometimes very different armies, or even opposed. Many States seeking partnerships are facing transnational threats (terrorism, trafficking, etc.), etc.) that require actions that go well beyond the scope of the project.geographical pace. Multi-labour cooperationThe federal government is therefore, in the area of the PMO, a form of reto effectively combat these problems.naces. It is not opposed to bilateral cooperation, but it complements and transcends it to achieve goals. more ambitious. It also promotes and legitimizes the pooling of capacities around these same objectives, to offer States that do so, a truly effective and efficient means ofoperational city. This makes it possible to capitalize on real convergence of interests within a sub-regional framework, or even local, easier to implement and more reassuring, then even that multilateralism is struggling with the return ofs nationalisms.

The French army benefits to implement this type of cooperation of an undeniable aura, the fruit of its commitments operational, which makes the French soldier a reference. But its main asset remains the credibility acquired by its commitmentthe top end of the PMO spectrum, by accompanying to the fight the trained partners. If this commitment comes at a price very heavy, that of blood, it radically changes the relationship of partnership by giving full meaning to the notion of brothers of weapons. He is for many the originator of this "need for France"expressed by many countries that are very keen on developingto develop a relationship with us that they know to be reliable. Very fewnations arecommitted, with their regular forces, to this high level of cooperation, and it is undoubtedly this commitment, without hesitation, of theFrench soldier alongside his partners that generates empathy and trust .

Finally, unlike the British or American approaches, the PMO for the Army, is resolutely "the business of all». All units, regardless of their operational function, are to befunction or nature (regiments, state, etc.).-major, school), must be able to carry out PMO missions. This principle is translated by a minimum of knowledge, "a bottom of the bag», which must be known to all and whose declination is adapted to the level of responsibility exercised.

The PMO and the Army

The creation of the Earth Center for Military Partnership Operational partnership translates for the Army the need to be able to effectively carry out increasing commitments such as PMO. The announced increase in the number of PMO missions and the The development of competition in this area requires to raise the "level of play", both individual and collective. This involves first of all capitalizing on expertise and the experience accumulated by our Forces in order to make the most of it. plus-value to the units that are going to be committed, but also through a better knowledge of the broad spectrum of of PMO actions.

The CPMO's challenge is therefore to ensure that it is better able to take the specificity of the PMO, in all areas of cooperation with thecurrent to operational efficiency(anticipation, planning, training, operational readiness, doctrine, return from expeditions -rience, etc.).

This involves, for example, making all managers aware of the parti-This is not an easy mission, and it is not easy for him. You have to absolutely not to be confused with a simple pedago exercise.gie. In addition to the "PMO for all"which will be the level threshold of the Army, more specific training courses related to à to the job held will give the personnel who will be responsibilities in the PMO field, a complement to thetraining targeted to their function.

There is also a need to better optimise skills, expediand appetence of each individual. The success of PMO relies heavily on human resources. This requires a clear view of the staff. who is likely to be hired, in particular on posts deemed sensitive.

As part of the operational preparation, the implementation of the place in each regiment and state-major of a "referrer PMO"is to facilitate the consideration of the PDP component. in instruction and training. For committed units in OPEX[6] or MCD[7] on PMO missions, the preparation is more specifically adapted to the area of deployment.

Without going into detail, and as a complement to acculturation on foreign equipment, the approach taken is to give the a clear appreciation of the strategic challenges and the operational aspects of the partnership action to be carried out, as well as of the different actors who act in a concurrent manner in the same space. Most often deployed in isolated areas and en high degree of autonomy, PMO detachment managers can to take tactical decisions on their own in terms of strategic scope or to face opportunities with effects on the politico-military. This feature of the MMS requires therefore to have executives who are aware of the full spectrum ofFrench action in the field of cooperation in Defense. It is thanks to this insight that the PMO action can be effectively implemented and generate results that are measurable and measurable.the tactical framework within which it is implemented.

While the PPC has been tasked with this overall effort to structuring that will enable the Army to respond to to respond to increasingly important demands on the assemblye of the the PDP continuum, the effectiveness of partnerships, and more broadly, the effectiveness of theof our operational commitments, is based on the perfect integration of the notion of interculturality. Know itand dissemination, under the aegis of the state, of the-specialized major for overseas-and abroad (EMSOME), of this fundamental concept of theis a key element in the success of any partnership. PMO missions. Within this framework, the colocation of the CPMO and of EMSOME facilitates the indispensable symbiosis between these two effectors that contribute, in their own way, to operational efficiency-nelle des unités françaises. It will, among other things, make it possible tothe move upmarket, in a concerted manner, of a preparationto PMO missions and a greater emphasis on the further counting of all the declinations of the interculturality. The objective is indeed, in a pragmatic approach, to ensure and operationalize the control of the famous «French touch"which seems to characterize the French soldier and which is largely the result of quality training that must, even more so today, integrate the challenges related to the MMS.


If the PMO is a mode of action that undeniably interests increasingly, and is becoming highly competitive, France is becoming has considerable assets of its own. Firstly, a network uniquely driven by structural cooperation and cooperation operational, a real vector of French influence and efficiency in the implementation of partnership actions. À the latter is supplemented by a mechanism in addition to the-sea and a foreigner who conhas an irreplaceable regional knowledge that offers platforms for PMO action. Last but not least, we have an executive education system which, combined with our commitment to the development of our people...operational deposits with partners, enables us to benefit from theThe new system is also a way of creating a certain aura and a real capital of trust.

But in order to maintain this recognized level of expertise, and expand it, even as the prospects for PMO commitment As the number of people in the world is increasing, we must give ourselves the means to win the cWe are facing the challenges oftomorrow in increasingly complex, interdependent and interrelated environments .This is the choice made by the Army and carried, in particular, by the CPMO .

1] United Kingdom: creation of the "Specialized Infantry Group", eventually regrouping 5 battalions dedicated to PMO missions, of which 2 operational.US ARMY: creation of 6 brigades dedicated to the PMO (Security Force Assistance Brigade, SFAB).

[2] NATO Security Force Assistance center of excellence (NATO SFA CoE), based in Rome.

[3] ExampleUSA, ACOTA program (Africa contingency op-erations and training assistance); Russia, Wagner company.

[4] EUTM: European Union Training Mission...mission to for-European Union.

[5] UNMISMAs integrated multidimensional mission: integrated multidimensional mission of the United Nations for the stabilisation of Mali.

6] OPEX: external operation.

7] MCD: short term mission.

Title : The military partnership operational today
Author (s) : le colonel Alain Vidal
