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The organization of innovation within the ArmyPublished on 24/10/2018
chef d’escadron Thierry Dénéchaud
Cognitive Science and Command Post Organization 1/2Published on 23/10/2018
Madame LEBOEUF, le Commandant HOURS et le Chef d’escadrons LARCHET
Innovate or perish: anticipating tomorrow's operational disruptionsPublished on 22/10/2018
Colonel Fabrice Clée, chef du pôle études et prospective
Towards a cybernetic deterrent?Published on 21/10/2018
Chef d’escadron PRETEUX
Technology: the deceptive trump card?Published on 20/10/2018
Monsieur Henri JOZEFOWICZ
Green and khaki, new environmental technologies at the service of the armyPublished on 19/10/2018
l’Administrateur civil hors classe Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
The new CYBER weapon is being built within the US Army...Published on 18/10/2018
le Lieutenant-colonel Hyacinthe de LAVAISSIÈRE
Japanese military supremacy: the fall of MalaysiaPublished on 17/10/2018
le Capitaine (Air) (R) Jonathan Jay MOURTONT
The Chemin des Dames: responsibilities and evasion of political powerPublished on 16/10/2018
le Colonel (ER) Henri ORTHOLAN
Tribute to General André Bach (1943-2017)Published on 15/10/2018
Lieutenant-colonel Christophe GUÉ