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The challenges of digitizing armies

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Whatever name we give it, "digital revolution", "digitalization", "digitalization", "digitalization", "digitalization", "digitalization", "digitalization", "digitalization data" of the world (for English datafication), "digital transition" or simply "digitization", sharing and processing of data over a network apply to all States as individuals, companies as organizations public in all fields of human activity... of the most from the everyday to the most advanced professional applications. More that a technology is a phenomenon that underpins the functioning of our societies... and transforms them in depth; it is a whole way of life that changes with the technology. In this, perhaps, it is not abusive to speak of "revolution".

And never before has the industrial revolution led to so much upheavals and that just as quickly that the digital boom, which has in just a few years not only has the production and the consumption of goods and services in total like, but also to our manners to interact, learn and think. Armies, of course, cannot remain aloof from these transformations. Besides, how would they do it?

It's been a long time armament that has provided the impetus for technological innovation and, while the armies are no longer the main prescribers of technological innovation. in the "digital revolution", in any case, they are part of a "digital revolution". human, social, industrial and administrative ecosystem crossed, as the whole of society by the changes brought about by digital technologies. This applies to armies as it does to any organisation: digitisation has profoundly altered production and consumption patterns, with productivity gains that armies cannot afford to miss in the field of their so-called "organic" activity, i.e. that of everyday life. This is also true in the field of opera.onnel, where our Western armies are must retain the technological superiority that is their ascendancy. operational. For them, therefore, through the upheavals in the world economy, it is a question of to maintain and further develop their capabilities in the field of technology, and to maintain and further develop their three orders of functions: identify the threat, which the digitised means must enable to to do ever more quickly, even predictively;

neutralize the threat, through a combination of means that the digital technologies can provide greater efficiency and even more efficiency, whether it be conventional weapons or cybernetic combat; protect the vital organs and systems that animate, irrigate or innervate this complex social body that is the Nation, starting with the security of its weapons and networks. This report therefore provides an overview of the state of play regarding the appropriation of the armed forces and, on the basis of this observation, is studying the use of digital technologies by the how they should consolidate their achievements and respond to new challenges that are posed by possible technological breakthroughs in the digital sector. Under review, it appears that France has made a fairly good start on the "turnaround". The European Union has made progress in the transformation of its armies, albeit with some successes that remain to be achieved. uneven.

The rapid evolution of both our allies and potential adversaries, as well as the technological breakthroughs to come, make it necessary today to make the digitization of our defence tool a national priority, otherwise we risk decommissioning. Most importantly, it shows that, ultimately, the challenges of digitization of the armies are actually analyzed as eminent sovereignty issues. Sovereignty in the use of force, of course, but sovereignty, too, in the possession of technology. Don't be fooled: far from the utopias which have been able to preside over the development of these technologies for a time, digital is has indeed become a powerful tool, a formidable lever in the service of outreach policies and we can say this without hyperbole of domination. As such, the digital industry is a field of rivalry between large and small companies. technological powers, among which Europeans are no longer in the front row.

It is for our armies, the instrument par excellence of our autonomy... strategic, that the regaining of a higher level of sovereignty is more important than technological sovereignty is particularly crucial. In the digital age, there is no such thing as a of possible sovereignty in a state of technological dependency. That is why the rapporteurs are studying the ways and means of the consolidation of an ecosystem of technological innovation capable of providing the industrial and technological basis of our strategic autonomy.

The Ministry of The military has a major role to play in this consolidation effort. What if, for some technological developments, the national scale seems too narrow, it is in the perspective of a strategic autonomy extended to the European Union that efforts deserve to be made in cooperation. Such an effort requires investments both financial or technological and human as well as a change in our practices and administrative organizations. It is a matter of the France's ability to "stay in the race" and, in finethe success of our weapons.

Title : The challenges of digitizing armies
