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The soldier listening to the sociologist? Advocacy for Military SociologyPublished on 27/09/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Commandant Michel SAGE

Commander SAGE advocates greater proximity of sociology, sociologist and military leader. On purpose, he purposefully challenges the hermeticism that seems to characterize the humanities and social sciences to reposition sociology in the toolbox of decision-makers.

Chronicle of a war foretold...Published on 26/09/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Chef d'escadrons Fabien TABARLY

Undergoing a major crisis in its relations with the international community, Israel could decide to regain the initiative in a form that its political leaders are fully aware of: a regional conflict with controlled effects. However, and despite expertise in this field forged over time, new political and social constraints that have recently emerged may force the Israeli Prime Minister and his staff to obtain international legitimacy before any action is taken.

The French army in operations: the big talker?Published on 24/09/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Chef de bataillon Pierre DESQUESSES

The French military in operation tend to surrender too easily to journalists. The consequences can be dramatic for the conduct of operations and require short- and medium-term measures to be taken.

Halt there..., the "aeromontagnards" are here! Published on 23/09/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Général Yann PERTUISEL

This article is a response to the article "Rethinking the influence of the environment on joint manoeuvres: the case of air-land combat in the mountains" published in Cahiers n°22.

The "Engineering" training of trainees at the Higher School of War in the inter-war periodPublished on 20/09/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Lieutenant-colonel Alain PETITJEAN

The author presents here the modalities of the competitive entrance examination to the Ecole Supérieure de Guerre in the 1930s, as well as the course of study and its various internships. Far from being obsolete, this article allows us, on the contrary, to notice some invariants, still valid today, in the training and in the general aptitudes acquired by the commissioned officer during this teaching. The example taken by Lieutenant-Colonel Petitjean, that of the engineer, is only indicative, since officers from other services followed a course of study that was comparable in all respects.

Data loss, what backup strategy?Published on 18/09/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Lieutenant-Colonel Sébastien VINÇON

7:25 a.m., June 26, 2017. Two hours after the launch of the air-land operation, a wave of panic spread through most positions at the Tactical Command and Joint Theatre Command (JTTC) level. The majority of workstations and servers shut down abruptly and reboot, leaving only an error message indicating the absence of a disk boot address.

The fact: a lever of power for the military decision-makerPublished on 17/09/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Colonel Éric ESTRELLA
The data: a lever of power to the benefit of the military decision-maker.

"Knowledge and its use lead to an almost certain victory. "Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

The importance of dataPublished on 15/09/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Colonel Claude CHARY

Infovalorisation, digitalisation, digital transformation, "Big Data", IA1, after the "cyber", aren't we being assaulted by the new wave of digital fashion?

Data, power lever and new centre of gravityPublished on 14/09/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook

Data represents knowledge and understanding. Data in the broadest sense brings together all the knowledge in a field, about a group of individuals or relating to an ongoing action. As such, data is of strategic interest.

The American friend "Czechoslovakia is a stake in American diplomacy 1943-1968".Published on 11/09/2018

military-Earth thinking notebook
le Lieutenant-colonel GERVAIS

As Jan Masaryk, foreign minister in post-war Czechoslovakia, said, "It is not easy to be a bridge between East and West. In times of peace it is a place of traffic jams and in times of war it is the first thing you blow up".
