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The evolution of principles of war in French military doctrine, from Antiquity to todayPublished on 12/06/2019

Colonel Fabrice Clée

In the field of the art and science of war, theorists since Antiquity have been interested, in the search of fundamental rules allowing the strategist and the tactician to gain the ascendancy over an adversary.

The fundamental principles of operational decision-making in the French ArmyPublished on 11/06/2019

Colonel Fabrice Clée

Operational decision-making culture in the French Army is rooted in the very rich history of ideas and strategic thinking in the West. Operational decision-making deals with any complex reasoning process that can be characterized by four phases: knowledge acquisition, problem modeling, choice and action control.

The new forms of war and the future of Air-Land operationsPublished on 10/06/2019

Colonel Gilles HABEREY

War today encompasses many forms and understanding the enemy is hence-forth questioned by his protracted use of hybrid strategies. Given the dire consequences a potential ill-suited military apparatus could lead to, both our enemy's hybrid warfare and our own constraints compel us to humbly extend our thinking accordingly.

Furia Francese: representations, limits and realityPublished on 09/06/2019

Colonel Fabrice Clée

Forced to retreat from Naples in the summer of 1495, French King Charles VIII's campaign came to a stop when facing the League of Venice near Fornovo. The gallantry and the fierceness of the French troops, led by the King himself, were highlighted by Italian chroniclers who spoke of Furia Francese. This expression survived through the years and glorified the irresistible impulse of French troops in combat when appropriately led. Since the battle of Fornovo, France has been involved in 49 major conflicts.

The French approach to warfightingPublished on 08/06/2019

Général de division Pascal Facon, directeur du Centre de doctrine et d’enseignement du commandement

The difference between winning or losing a war generally hangs on a razor's edge. Force ratio, strategy, tactics, procedures, weapons, training, the list of contributing factors goes on. But there is one key factor that more than any other will lead one of the warring parties to its victory or its defeat. Military history proves that only nations driven by a strategic culture deeply rooted in an actual fighting spirit can prevail.

⭐ The thread of the warrior spiritPublished on 07/06/2019

le chef de bataillon Arnaud BRIGANTI, de l’École de Guerre-Terre

"To err on the side of war is to err on the side of society. »1

Pierre CLASTRES, Archaeology of Violence

✅ Hezbollah's strategy of influence in South Lebanon 3/3Published on 06/06/2019

Madame Clara DUROVRAY, du pôle études et prospective du CDEC

Became a satellite channel in 2000, al-Manar developed for Hezbollah as a direct link to the others. Arab populations. From the beginning of 2001, al-Manar counted more than 10 million viewers and was thus the second most watched television most-watched channel in the Arab world48.

⚡️ BRENNUS 4.0 - N°5Published on 06/06/2019

The French approach to warfighting
Général de division Pascal Facon

The difference between winning or losing a war generally hangs on a razor's edge. Force ratio, strategy, tactics, procedures, weapons, training, the list of contributing factors goes on. But there is one key factor that more than any other will lead one of the warring parties to its victory or its defeat. Military history proves that only nations driven by a strategic culture deeply rooted in an actual fighting spirit can prevail.

✅ Hezbollah's strategy of influence in South Lebanon 2/3Published on 05/06/2019

Madame Clara DUROVRAY, du pôle études et prospective du CDEC

A social anchor in continuity with the political strategy Hizballah

As Peter Thomas reminds us, the political power of an depends to a large extent on its ability to create a group that is a lasting link with its social base28. Thus, Hezbollah is inscribing its social strategy within a more general political approach to mobilize the whole society in a fight against Israel. The insertion of Hezbollah into the Lebanese social fabric must therefore be understood as an extension of its political strategy.

✅ Hezbollah's strategy of influence in South Lebanon 1/3Published on 04/06/2019

Madame Clara DUROVRAY, du pôle études et prospective du CDEC

Consequences of the Israeli operation Peace in Galilee (1982) which sees Tsahal penetrate in Lebanon, then became an opposition movement during the Lebanese civil war. As a result, Hezbollah has established itself as a key player both in the Arab-Israeli conflict and on the Lebanese domestic political (social and political) sphere. The nature of the Shia movement poses a problem of classification; on one side, there's his branch... army considered as a terrorist organization by many countries and organizations such as the United States, the European Union, the Arab League or the Gulf Cooperation Council. On the other hand, there is a political offer through the so-called coalitiondu 8 March»which has obtained the majority of seats in the Lebanese Parliament in the last parliamentary elections1.
